Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chakras Class

Chakras: Understand Your Health and Emotions from the Outside In!
Date: Thursday, January 26
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Place: Meeting Room B
Fee: $50.00 (includes manual and pendulum)

We all have chakras, but few know what they are. These spinning wheels of light extend from our bodies and hold the keys to mental, emotional and physical health. Chakras date back over 4000 years, and modern medicine is beginning to give these energy centers credence and explore the health issues related to them. In this class, we will discuss what a chakra is and where they are, link the emotional and physical issues to each chakra, explain how to heal through the understanding of chakras, measure and “see” our chakras, and learn how to clear and balance them to maintain optimal health.

Register online
, or call 371-0090 ext. 8510.