Friday, July 6, 2012

Free Movie Matinee: Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Humprey Bogart, Walter Huston and Tim Holt play a trio of Americans on the bum in 1920s Tampico. Pooling their resources, they strike off into the mountains of Mexico in search of gold. Hounded by jungle Indians, a fortune-hunting Texan, and cold blooded banditos, they finally must confront the most dangerous adversaries of all… themselves. Our 2012 free movie matinees are selected from the American Film Institute’s Top 100 List of all time.

Date: Saturday, July 14
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Place: Meeting Room B
Registration: Online

* Our movie matinees are free, but if no one registers to attend, this matinee may be cancelled. So if you plan to attend, please register in advance!