Monday, July 2, 2012

Read20 Book Club Selection for July

Has your family joined Read20, the First Lady of Tennessee's Book Club for families yet? This month's Read20 selection is Judy Moody Declares Independence by Megan McDonald. It's the perfect book to read while celebrating Independence Day, and Read20 suggests four great family-friendly activities associated with the book. Here is the first activity:

On Independence Day, we commemorate the adoption of our Declaration of Independence, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Judy Moody writes her own declaration of independence – you and your family can write one, too! What things would you declare yourself independent of if you could? What freedoms do you already have that you are most grateful for? Submit your declaration of independence to Mrs. Haslam will feature the most creative entries on her Facebook page!

If you haven't yet joined Read20, consider this: If families read together for 20 minutes a day, 7 days a week, they get more than 121 hours of bonding time every year!