Friday, August 3, 2012

Whole Foods Market Free Movie Screening - The Weight of the Nation, Part Two: Choices

Three years in the making, The Weight of the Nation is a four-part documentary series. It features case studies and interviews with leading experts, and with individuals and families struggling with obesity. The series spotlights the facts and myths of this urgent public health issue, showing how obesity affects the health of the nation and cripples the health care system – and what individuals and communities can do.

The second film in
the series poses a question that almost anyone who’s struggled with excess weight has asked, if only in jest: For all the remarkable high-tech tools available to medicine, for the billions of dollars in drug research, there’s still no highly effective medication to prevent or reverse obesity—why?

Date: Tuesday, August 7
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Meeting Room A
Registration: Online