Friday, August 17, 2012

Meditation 101 Class

Most people think of meditation as a spiritual practice for quieting the mind and bringing people to a calmer, more peaceful state. But in recent years it has become a scientifically researched, evidence-based method of creating real and lasting changes in the nervous system and thought processes in the brain.

This class will look at how the nervous system responds to stress and how we can learn to actively change our body's need to respond. You will walk away with a simple and practical approach to the use of meditation in your life, and gain an understanding of how and why meditation is being used successfully in the treatment of trauma and pain management and experience a short guided mediation.

Date: Wednesday, August 29
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Place: Meeting Room A
Class Fee: $10.00
Registration: Online - Click this link