Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Read20 Children's Book Club Selection for September

Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown is the Read20 Book Club selection for September. Stanley Longchamp is a nice, ordinary boy until he suddenly becomes "flat" one day when his bulletin board falls on him. Stanley takes off on all kinds of adventures and travels around the world. Your family can read about Stanley’s adventures in the Flat Stanley book series. In addition, Tennessee's First Lady Chrissy Haslam will be taking Stanley on a world-wide adventure this month, as she and Governor Haslam travel to Japan on a trip that will hopefully bring more business to Tennessee. Follow Flat Stanley's adventures on the First Lady's Facebook page.

Have you joined Read20, the First Lady of Tennessee's Book Club for families? Read20 encourages parents to read with their children for 20 minutes a day. The Read20 club features a different title every month, and each week the club offers a fun, book-related project or a suggestion for a fun family activity. Please visit the First Lady's Read20 page for more information, and have fun reading!