Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Teen Books 'n' Crafts Book Selection for September

Ahoy, readers! Celebrate National Talk Like a Pirate Day and read Vampirates by Justin Somper. Here's a synopsis: Connor and Grace never dreamed that there was any truth to the Vampirate shanty their father sang to them before he died, but that was before the two were shipwrecked and separated from each other. For Connor, who is taken aboard a pirate ship, there's the chance to learn to swordfight. But for Grace, aboard a mysterious ship of vampire pirates, the danger is great. What will it take for them to find each other?

After you finish the book, come chat about Vampirates and make a Vampirates t-shirt! Middle school and high school students are welcome at this Teen event. It's free, but please register in advance so we can get enough supplies for everyone.

Date: Thursday, September 20
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Fall Room
Registration: Online - Click Here