Friday, October 5, 2012

Clean Your Closets and Clear Your Mind

Being unencumbered is a fantastic feeling, but how do we get there when our closets, garages and bonus rooms are filled to the hilt!  Join us for a free inspirational discussion, and helpful tips, on getting your de-cluttering project started and completed.

Date: Tuesday, October 23
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Instructor: Cindy Natsch
Registration: Online - Click Here!

Cindy Natsch is the founder and  President of Let's Get Moving!, a relocation and rightsizing service for our retiree community. Cindy’s organization specializes in assisting clients to move beyond an ‘overwhelmed state’ and to take the steps toward relocating to, or living in, a more stress-free and simpler living environment. Over the past seven years Cindy and the Let’s Get Moving! Team have become a trusted resource throughout Nashville and the surrounding area. Since its founding, Let’s Get Moving!  has helped define what ‘Rightsizing’ really means and has assisted many families toward ‘living lighter’.