Friday, September 14, 2012

Seminar: Why Do I Feel This Way?

Have you ever left the house to run an errand and come back in a terrible mood? Feeling sad, angry or fatigued for no reason? How about your kids? Have they gotten off the bus and been in awful moods when nothing big happened during the day? It could be because you absorbed someone else’s emotions and negative energy! Our physical body actually is the center of a beautiful energy field called our Aura. Our aura is the container of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. When we walk by another human, we are actually walking through their auric field. If we don’t protect this field daily, we can absorb other people’s energy (thoughts, emotions and feelings) without even knowing it! In this free class you will:
  • See and experience your aura (energy field)
  • Learn ways to protect your field
  • Learn ways to purge other people's negative emotions and thoughts from your field
  • Learn emotional release techniques for times when we feel really stuck in our emotion

Date: Monday, September 24
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Place: Meeting Room A
Registration: Online - Click Here