Friday, April 19, 2013

Hypnosis Presentation: Using Goal Imagine Focus Technique to Achieve Your Goals

Goals are general statements of intent that tell us what we want to achieve and how we want to change. Objectives differ from goals with respect to their specificity; objectives are more specific than goals. Hypnotists use many tools to help people make constructive changes in their life. Goal Imagining Focusing Technique ™ (GIFT) is one of those very powerful life enhancing tools. Certified Hypnotist Marvin Wilkerson will present how to use GIFT in your life to accomplish many of your goals. 

The GIFT technique is simple, speaks directly to the unconscious, and once learned can be used throughout life to realize any goal including weight loss, stress management, sales, and sports motivation as well as relationship and career goals.

Date: Wednesday, April 24
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Presenter: Marvin Wilkerson
Registration: Online - Click Here!